Visitors 23777
309459 photos, 211 videos

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Address595 Holly Ann Drive
Landisville, PA 17538
United States
Daytime phone717-538-2565
Evening phone717-538-2565
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Welcome to the largest collection of photos promoting Hempfield athletes. I hope you enjoy the photos!

Merry Christmas!

Digital file offer for 2024-25 school year - $60 per player per sport for your choice of photos (up to 500 photos) Direct orders only; Not available through the website. Email me for instructions. Single games - call for pricing.
- Jim Hess

Recent additions: (Check the respective school year folder if the event folder you want to see is no longer shown under "Recently Added")
+ Var Football vs McCaskey 09/13 Part 2 (288 pics; more on the way) (Updated 12/23)
+ Var Football at Cedar Crest 10/18 (321 pics; more on the way) (Updated 12/06)
+ JV Boys Bball vs Gov Mifflin 02/05 (240 pics; more on the way) (Updated 03/02)
+ Var Boys Bball vs Penn Manor 01/24 (240 pics; more on the way) (Updated 03/02)
+ Dodgeball 02/27 (495 pics) (Finalied 03/05)
+ JV Football vs Gov Mifflin 09/09 (788 pics) (Finalized 03/08)

Photos on the way:>
Fall 2024
- Var Football at Dallastown 08/23
- Jr Hi Football vs Dallastown 08/28
- JV Football vs Wm Penn (York High) 08/31
- Var Football vs Gov Mifflin 09/06
- Var Boys Soccer vs McCaskey 09/10
- JV Football vs McCaskey 09/16
- JV Boys Soccer at Warwick 09/18
- Var Boys Soccer at Warwick 09/18
- Var Football at Township 09/20
- Var Football vs Penn Manor **Homecoming** 09/27
- Yosemite & Sequoia National Parks 09/28 to 10/05
- Var Volleyball vs Etown 10/10
- Var Football at Exeter Township 10/11
- Warwick midget baseball 10/26
- Var Volleyball vs Wilson Dist 3 playoffs 10/26
- Var Football at Cedar Crest Playoffs 11/01
Winter 2024-25
- Var Boys Lax 11/10
- Jr Hi Girls Lax vs LS 11/16
- Var Boys Lax 11/17
- Var Girls Lax 12/14
- Var Boys Lax 12/15
- JV Girls Bball vs Twp 12/17
- Var Girls Bball vs Twp 12/17
- Boys & Girls Wrestling at McCaskey 12/18
- JV Boys Bball at Penn Manor 12/19
- Var Girls Lax 12/21
- Var Boys Lax 12/22
- JV Boys Bball vs Wilson 12/27
- Var Boys Bball vs York Suburban 12/27

Photo shoots tentatively scheduled (subject to weather):

^Boys, Girls, & Middle School Girls Lacrosse on the way!
^Baseball Stste Champions defend their title
^Boys Volleyball is on the way!

[ Last update Saturday 03/08/25 at 04:00 ]

Recently Added
09-09 JV Football vs Gov Mifflin2025-02-27 Dodgeball2025-01-24 Var Boys Bball vs  Penn Manor2025-02-05 Var Boys Bball vs Gov Mifflin2025-02-05 JV Boys Bball vs Gov Mifflin2024-12-19 Var Boys Bball at  Penn Manor2025-01-27 Var Boys Bball vs Ephrata2025-01-12 Var Girls Bball vs Cedar Crest

All Photographs
Hempfield 2024-2025Hempfield 2023-2024Hempfield Sports Prior YearsMountville Youth SportsWarwick SportsLandscapes & SceneryPosters